

About the subscriptions

an opportunity to build

The subscriptions gives us the unique chance to work more closely together on a regular basis, allowing us to go deeper into your readings. Birth charts, for example, are rich in information and inspiration. Taking a deeper look at them can incite growth, strength, clarity, self-compassion and even compassion for others. We all have a unique journey here on Earth and the readings help us to understand ourselves and our journey which can make the path easier and lighter.

In my experience during and after the readings my clients have more to say and more they would like to understand. Follow-ups and subscriptions leave space for more dialogue. It also gives the receiver something delicious to look forward to. Below you will see the combinations and subscriptions that are available to you.

session | subscription

Readings & Reiki

Often when we receive readings, topics can come up that we desire to release. Combining readings with Reiki gives the opportunity to receive guidance during the readings and afterwards, in the next appointment, to receive Reiki to assist in the releasing and rejuvenating process.

Book 2 readings and 1 Reiki session and save 10 dollars off your Reiki session!  Please specify the two readings you would like to book in your booking request. Feel free to mix and match.

Also makes a great gift!

reiki, universe, cosmos
reading | subscription

Postal Inspiration

With this subscription you will receive mail with an inspirational message pulled from an oracle deck including interpretation. How often do we look in the mailbox to find post that really excites us? Book a subscription to receive regular messages full of Divine care, wisdom and inspiration.

6-month or 12-month subscription

Also makes a great gift!

reading | subscription

Birth Chart | Deep Dive

Are you ready to traverse the landscape of your soul? It sounds like a sci-fi movie but is actually much more thrilling! This subscription includes a 1.5-hr birth chart reading then 1-hour follow-up readings that focus closely on specific planets and placements in your birth chart. Each month I will choose a different position in your birth chart and look at it from various angles. The purpose of the deep dive is to help you to enjoy getting into your hidden depths. When we dive deep into the self, we get to know ourselves better, light, shadow and all, facilitating more self-love, self-compassion and unwavering self-confidence.

This subscription is also available to those who have already had their birth chart reading.

Birth chart + 9 month subscription

9-month subscription (w/o birth chart)

Also makes a great gift!

new moon, new beginnings, eat your moon
beaver, spirit animal
YouTube and Instagram
solar eclipse, teach, night
Thank yourself
full moon, completion, achievement, eat your moon
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