
Reiki &

universal energy

The Power of Universal Life Force Energy

Our essence is universal life force energy. We are not our body. We are not our thoughts and emotions. We are much more. We are Light. We are the Soul. We are energetic beings that have the ability to vibrate at higher or lower frequencies. To keep our energy replenished, protected and clear, it is important that we regularly connect to high vibrational energy. One way to connect to this universal source of positive energy is through the avenues of Reiki and Meditation. These modalities serve us by providing opportunities for Divine Light to fill our auric fields, raise our vibrations and thereby help us to manifest the life we desire to lead.


Reiki is universal life force energy. Each of us is an emanation of the universal life force. In Japanese “Rei” refers to “universal” while “ki” means “life force” or “energy”. Reiki helps to replenish us with this universal energy, giving the self the opportunity to regenerate. Reiki has the ability to activate self-healing processes.

When I give a Reiki session, I am not sending my personal energy to the client. Instead I am there to help facilitate the flow of Divine energy from the Universe to the client. I act as a conduit while the genuine interaction is between the client and the universal energy.


In life we often have goals we are working to achieve or dreams we are sowing with the intention of bringing them to fruition. One of the key ingredients to successful manifestation is having a high vibration. The higher your vibration  – or one could also say the more positive and brighter your energy is – the easier it is to bring your desires to life. Starting each day with a short meditation can help you to raise your vibration and usher in the abundance you desire. Check below for access to free guided meditations!


Distance Reiki

This is a 45-min distance Reiki session with a 15-min call after the session to receive feedback and address questions.

FREE – Request crystals to be added to the session (Rose Quartz, Amethyst and/or Clear Quartz). Please note in the booking if you would like me to have crystals present during session.

Also makes a great gift!

hand, symbol, magic-5278129.jpg

book a 1-hour session


Payment can be made via PayPal to




meditation, oneness, unity

“In meditation, one works to gently clear the mind of thought
and enter a state of positive receptivity.”
Robert Simmons, The Book of Stones

In order to create the life we desire it is important to affirm our oneness with the Universe daily. This affirmation helps to remind us of the creative power that lives within us. Through meditation we can connect to this power and release any blockages slowing down the manifestation of the gifts, self-love and experiences we so need and desire.

Let us together discover your individual path to stronger meditation, so that you can enhance your power to co-create with the Divine.

reading | COMBO


Are you interested in more than one reading? Book a combination of readings, allowing you to look forward to regular astrological input from the Divine. When you book a combination you automatically are eligible for a discount.

Also makes a great gift!


Eat Your Moon on YouTube

To support you on your healing journey, I have made Reiki sessions available to you free on YouTube.

*Please note that when you press play, you become subject to YouTube’s privacy policy and terms of service.

Everything I need is within me
I dreamed I ate the moon
YouTube and Instagram
my life is a gift, know thyself, eat your moon
I am a Healer
Thank yourself
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